Empowered Matchmaking

Empowered Matchmaking vs. Traditional Matchmaking

Soniyah successfully did traditional matchmaking for over six years, creating many love stories. However, what she found through her love research was that the magic is not in the actual introduction.

After diving deep into the research and working with hundreds of people, what she found was that about 40% of her traditional matchmaking clients were finding love, and about half of them were finding love on their own.  Soniyah says “I cannot control where you meet your love, which can happen anywhere, when you become open to receiving love, love comes knocking on your door”. 

What was even more amazing, a majority of her coaching clients found love and almost all of them found love on their own. It took her many years of successes and defeats, to finally delve deep into what the patterns, beliefs, behaviors, and feelings of each of her clients were: her clients that were finding love and her clients that were still struggling. The research was clear as day. The magic was not in the introduction, the magic was in what Soniyah calls “the work”.

As a result of this research, Finding Bliss 2.0 was launched in the summer of 2016 with empowered matchmaking and relationship coaching. Soniyah no longer commits to introductions or charges a retainer upfront like she did for close to 7 years.  She now does relationship coaching which she refers to as the work. She is still passionate about matchmaking, and she makes matches only if she has, a “Catch” or “Client” that is a match for each other. She will make an introduction based on her success interview. She only receives a success fee if her client or catch has been with their partner for 3 months.

In the years following this transition the majority of Soniyah’s clients have found love. “The work, truly works”, Soniyah says.

Take action now and find the love you want by loving yourself! Soniyah offers a free Discovery Session so you can build the trust with her and the work, this is essential. This session also allows Soniyah to see if she could be of service to you.


What Our Clients Have to Say

Soniyah did so much more for me than just match make; she gave me my own life back. I cannot recommend her services highly enough.

Scott, 43

When I signed up I though I was getting help with meeting potential men for relationships and what I got was a sense of self  and a sense that anything is possible

Stan, 43

Soniyah made me realize that I needed to accept and allow myself to heal from and to forgive the past. Having done so, I found my heart again. I took a giant leap of faith and have never been happier.

Adriana, 46

Working with Soniyah has been fantastic! The coaching sessions alone have been worth their weight in gold. I have found out so much about myself.

Todd, 41

Your methods definitely work! I’ve been happily seeing Austin for the past few months, using your lessons and this morning he told me that he loved me

Austin, 54

We are living together and are very happily in love. I’m very fortunate to have met someone that gets me and I feel like I’ve definitely found my person

Jason, 29

She facilitates the process of self-love and mindfulness with such compassion and talent; I am incredibly grateful for her. I recommend her to everyone I know.  She is brilliant.

John, 36

Her ability to match is a priceless quality that I can never associate a price with. She will help you find bliss.

Brian, 52

She made us feel comfortable and she made it very easy to talk to her as a trusted listener. I felt like I could tell her anything and that’s just what we did.

Becky 39 and Michelle 43

Her session with us was a catalyst for instant, profound connection. She created a space filled with love and ease so we could be vulnerable with one another.

Tara 29 and Ron 32

I worked with Soniyah on matchmaking services, and I got so much more from her

Steven, 52

Soniyah has helped me unlock defenses that therapy failed to touch; especially, she has given me hope.

Page, 66

Soniyah has helped me learn how to open up and be honest about my history, my feelings, my accomplishments along the way.

Seth, 50

She is able to screen out people that are simply not right for me which saves me lots of time and emotional heartache.

Kris, 43

Attractive, just my type, got better over the time together.

Tina, 43