Finding Bliss will be on CBS!
Long awaited, and happening now! I am excited to finally announce that Finding Bliss will be featured in an episode of This Is SF. This episode will air Saturday, April
Long awaited, and happening now! I am excited to finally announce that Finding Bliss will be featured in an episode of This Is SF. This episode will air Saturday, April
Mark this date in history, the Supreme Court has overturned the DOMA! Love and gratitude is truly in the air today. Many of us will be able to ask our
Working Gratitude Darin Hollingsworth is the Chief Gratitude and Affirmation Officer of Odonata Coaching & Consulting. He empowers people to thrive by giving back in ways that help them connect
I want to share some topline concepts and pointers from one of my gay love relationship workshops. We all want to live happily ever after, right? Well here are five
Living in the Heart Another new discovery is Drunvalo Melchizedek, which is a complicated name for someone who teaches a very simple concept – which is, basically all about thinking