Living in the Heart
Another new discovery is Drunvalo Melchizedek, which is a complicated name for someone who teaches a very simple concept – which is, basically all about thinking from the heart. Basically, he teaches that you can create miracles and all the things you thought impossible if you go from thinking from the brain to thinking from the heart. If your intention is from the heart, no ego is involved.
The “What’s in it for me?” angle comes from the head. But the “How can I give to my partner?” or “How can I show up for my partner?” question shifts the POV to your heart, and it’s something we can all do, even if we’ve had traumas in life. The vast majority of our society doesn’t do this, though. Most of us think from our head, which makes us walking, talking egos.
This shift brings up a lot for everyone, and gay men looking for a successful love relationship are no exception. One issue is forgiveness, something I daresay most all of us could use practice in. Imagine if, after an upsetting or traumatic episode, you could say, “I forgive everyone involved in this, including myself.” That’s incredibly powerful because you can then let go of everything from your emotional body and avoid carrying a wound into a relationship.
Drunvalo has lots to say and it’s all really fascinating. I encourage you to check out all his stuff, including his website.