“Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers
within yourself that you have built against it.”
Finding Bliss Coaching helps you open to receiving love and finding the love you want. Whether you’re single and looking for a relationship or a couple seeking a more passionate relationship, Soniyah helps you discover and transform your beliefs.
Finding true love requires clear intention and the right mind-set. With Finding Bliss Signature Coaching, Soniyah coaches her clients to overcome fears of acceptance, rejection and ultimately helps them become open to allowing love to find its way in. Soniyah’s coaching is based on the teachings of her remarkably gifted coaches, along with her mentors Dr. Wayne Dyer, Brene Brown, John Gottman, Tony Robbins and the foundations of Network Care with Dr. Aidan Kinsella.
Every person is unique in their needs and wants. Soniyah’s process is customized for each person or couple. The first 5-10 sessions are about finding you and building the love within yourself, the next 5-10 sessions are about finding the love you want.
Soniyah works with all sexual orientations.
Coaching services are available in the US & Canada.
Therapy vs. Coaching
In order to open to yourself and find true love, it is sometimes helpful to work through some
deeper issues that may be holding you back from complete happiness. You can enlist
the help of a therapist or a coach, and here we explain the difference between the two.
Adapted from Hayden & Whitworth, 1995
With therapy, you need healing
With coaching, you are whole and only need clarity
Therapy focuses on feelings and past events
Coaching focuses on action and the future
Therapy focuses on the root of the problem
Coaching focuses on solving those problems
Therapy focuses on letting go of old patterns
Coaching focuses on making healthier and more effective choices
Coaching and therapy really complement each other so consider both if you feel you could use advice on both professionals.